

A command line CV made with Node.js

Next.js Open Graph Image

A tool for generating open graph images made with Next.js

Colour accessibility test for Tailwind CSS

Test contrasting colours against the WCAG standards

Web App Tools

Find the best tools to create your next web app

CV Generator

A website to generate CVs

CV Theme

A Hugo theme for CVs

DNS Comparison Website

A website to compare DNS services

Intel vPro Detector

A program to detect the presence of Intel vPro and the status of Intel AMT

Notes Website

A website to store my notes

Remark Admonitions Styles

Alternate styling for remark admonitions


A tool to make setting up DMARC on Vercel Easy

Google AIY Emotion Detection

A device to detect if you are sad and send dog pictures

Hugo Portfolio Website

A portfolio website made with Hugo

Same Home Different Hacks

An Android App to keep track of electronic components

Oxford Digithon

A Firefox Browser Extension

Conway's Game of Life

Implementing Conway's Game of Life in C

AI Search

Implementing Algorithms to solve the travelling salesman problem

Durhack 2019

A tool to help people with dementia

Bulletin Board

Creating a bulletin board using Python socket programming

Security Coursework

Performing a Pentest and CTF on a Virtual Machine


Writing a range of algorithms for Bioinformatics

Slate my doggo

A simple social media app

Modelling with Graphs

A set of algorithms on graphs

Error Correcting Codes

Implementing a range of algorithms for error correcting codes

p5 Component

Creating a reusable component from a p5 Sketch

Algorithms and Data Structures

A range of code relating to Algorithms and Data Structures